Our line of nutritional products are designed to work together in harmony to supplement the dietary needs of all kinds. From increasing energy, to promoting heart health, maintaining a healthy weight and feeling your best, Vollara nutritionals are a foundation for good health.

Get Started For Free With The Gateway Giveaway 4 Free!

Vollara is allowing us to offer new customers their choice from one of the four most popular nutritional products ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Watch this short Gateway Giveaway video to learn about this amazing offer! If you have more questions about this special offer, please contact us, or to take advantage of this offer click on the button below.

Essentials For Life Superior Daily Nutrition Supplement

Essentials for Life is the ultimate 6-in-1 complete nutritional supplement system that addresses core daily nutritional supplementation needs with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flora and enzymes.

▪ Increased energy and overall health
▪ Mineral replenishment
▪ Promotes stronger bones, healthy hair, skin and nails
▪ Muscle maintenance
▪ Added protection from free radical damage
▪ Digestion support
▪ Beneficial intestinal bacteria to strengthen immune system
▪ Increased ability to make lean muscle and burn fat
▪ Healthy insulin function and blood sugar levels
▪ Minimizes mood swings
▪ Reduced food cravings

Re:Vive Energy And Mental Focus Supplement

Mix a packet of Re:Vive with water to create a tasty, fizzy drink that significantly boosts energy, elevates mental focus and supports your health without the unwanted side effects found with most stimulants and drugs.

▪ Enhances energy levels and mental focus
▪ Supports the immune system
▪ Helps maintain well-being
▪ Won’t cause the crash often associated with other energy supplements
▪ Convenient, delicious fizz in a refreshing wild berry flavor
▪ Easy to take on-the-go and share with others

Re:Sist Immune System Support Supplement

Re:Sist supports the immune system with a unique combination of natural extracts and vitamins. Crude Arthrospira platensis, part of the IMMULINA extract in Re:Sist, has been show to have the ability (1,000 times greater) to balance and enhance the human immune system when compared to other botanical immune stimulation extracts.

▪ Helps regulate and balance the cascade of body’s own immune responses
▪ Helps strengthen host immune system and enhance defenses

KetoneZone Pure D BHB Clean Energy Source Supplement

KetoneZone helps you achieve nutritional ketosis, which can increase energy, improve mental clarity, enhance your metabolism, boost your mood, help you get more restful sleep, and assist with weight management.

▪ Higher level of healthy living through improving your metabolism
▪ Made from Beta Hydroxy butyrate, a natural form of ketones your body produces
▪ Includes nutrients designed to support youthful appearance
▪ Provides more energy, improved mental clarity, enhanced mood, better sleep, and better metabolism
▪ One serving of KetoneZone includes nutrients needed to help your body transition into ketosis

Perfect Start Healthy Coconut Creamer

Perfect Start is a low sugar, high protein creamer made from healthy coconut fat that contains MCTs (medium chain triglycerides), which help you feel full, access your own body fat for energy, and increase your mental clarity.

▪ Long-lasting, sustainable energy
▪ Help reduce sugars and increase optimal fatty acids
▪ Better mental clarity
▪ Feel fuller longer
▪ Support natural weight loss

Royal Essentials Cardiovascular System Support Supplement

Royal Essentials is a supplement that combines Royal Jelly, Vitamins C and B12, whole food ingredients and unpasteurized honey to support a healthy cardiovascular system.

▪ Contains natural, heart-healthy nutrients
▪ Easy to take
▪ Vitamin B12 is instrumental in supporting healthy homocysteine levels
▪ Features Vitamin C, which promotes the production of collagen – the protein that supports healthy blood vessels
▪ Low calorie and low carb


Re:Plenish Premium Muscadine Blend

Re:Plenish is a unique product that provides a proprietary blend of red grape juices including the powerful Muscadine, Syrah and Cabernet grape juices, which provide high levels of antioxidants and resveratrol, and a natural grape pomace powder for added antioxidant benefits.

▪ Fights free radicals
▪ Supports healthy circulation and immunity
▪ Provides nutritional support for healthier-looking skin
▪ The benefits of red wine without the alcohol and excessive calories
▪ Easy to take


Re:Absorb Digestion Support Supplement

Re:Absorb contains vital enzymes that are normally depleted from over-processed food, and helps ensure your body is able to properly absorb and utilize the nutrients you eat.

▪ Promotes proper digestion, thereby enhancing health, increasing energy levels and facilitating longevity
▪ Supports the utilization of protein, carbohydrates, and other nutrients for building muscle
▪ Ensures nutrients from food or nutritional supplements are better absorbed by the body

Re:Balance Digestive Health and Immune Function Support Supplement

Re:Balance has 12 strains of healthy bacteria to support and maintain the growth of billions of probiotic flora designed to survive the digestive processes and colonize in the digestive tract to strengthen your body’s defenses and support optimum intestinal function.

▪ Strengthens your body’s defenses and supports overall health
▪ Helps support and maintain the growth of probiotic flora as well as healthy functioning of the intestinal tract
▪ Proven to improve digestion and elimination
▪ Supports the body’s second immune system’ by suppressing harmful bacteria
▪ Produces enzymes essential to proper intestinal function

Re:Coupe Energy, Nerve and Brain Function Support Supplement

When you’re feeling run down and overwhelmed by high levels of stress, B vitamins can help you get back on track. Re:Coupe combines a complete, balanced spectrum of essential B vitamins in your daily supplement regimen.

▪ Supports energy and stamina levels
▪ Supports the body’s tolerance to stress
▪ Promotes good muscle tone and healthy skin
▪ Enhances enzyme reactions effecting energy, circulation, hormones and overall health

Re:Flex Muscle and Joint Health Support Supplement

Re:Flex is a proprietary blend of enzymes, powerful herbs and antioxidants specifically formulated to support muscle and joint health while helping you recover more quickly from physical activity.

▪ Effectively supports the body in repairing tissue following an injury
▪ Promotes faster recovery from exercise and competition
▪ Helps maintain healthy muscles and joints
▪ Encourages production of the body’s own powerful antioxidant enzyme – SOD – for faster recovery

Re:Flex Muscle and Joint Health Support Supplement

Re:Flex is a proprietary blend of enzymes, powerful herbs and antioxidants specifically formulated to support muscle and joint health while helping you recover more quickly from physical activity.

▪ Effectively supports the body in repairing tissue following an injury
▪ Promotes faster recovery from exercise and competition
▪ Helps maintain healthy muscles and joints
▪ Encourages production of the body’s own powerful antioxidant enzyme – SOD – for faster recovery

Re:Mind Heart Health Support Supplement

Re:Mind is a balanced source of omega-3 essential fatty acids that promote heart health.

▪ Contains Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which supports mental development and cardiovascular health
▪ Contains Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) that research has suggested may support heart health
▪ Omega-3s may contribute to healthy cognitive function, mood and behavior

CBD Salve Muscle and Joint Relief and Recovery

CBD Salve provides quick comfort to feel better fast. Topical use salve to aid in providing relief and recovery for muscles and joints. The symphony of botanicals, cannabinoids, and plant compounds come together to soothe, loosen and aid in relieving discomfort.

▪ Broad spectrum hemp
▪ Plant oil and botanical blend
▪ Artisan handcrafted
▪ USA farm raised hemp
▪ 2,000 mg CBD per tin
▪ Laboratory analysis posted
▪ Quick topical response
▪ Long lasting, targeted relief
▪ No artificial preservatives
▪ Light, mild and wearable